Jim McLendon now COO of White Cloud Security!

WHITE CLOUD SECURITY, INC. PROMOTES FORMER SYMANTEC EXECUTIVE TO ROLE OF CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Austin, Texas – December 1, 2016 White Cloud Security is pleased to announce the promotion of Jim McLendon to the role of Chief Operating Officer for White Cloud Security, Inc. Jim McLendon, USAF Colonel (Retired), retired from a distinguished career in[…]

DDoS Attacks – Making Sense Of It

Cybersecurity has certainly had an interesting few days with the massive DDoS attacks across the USA. The cause, the method, and the massive reach of this DDoS attack truly underscores another dimension of the importance of cybersecurity: making sure your network is not participating in an attack like this. Breaking down the DDoS attack to[…]


Cyber Security – Information Security

Protect ourselves with cyber security is fundamental. In our organization, personal life, as well as in our schools. “Cyber security practitioners, perform job functions related to protecting and defending information systems. This is done by ensuring their availability, integrity, authentication, confidentiality, and non-repudiation.” CyberSec First Responders Certification Benjamin Franklin; “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound[…]

Application control, ransomware, computer security

Application Control – Prevent Ransomware

Begin protecting your computer today by using advanced application control. Given the volume of unknown malware, new variants, zero-day exploits, and hackers that are stealing and/or posting your data online, what good is any software that cannot stop the hack?  The second your data is stolen, you’re done!  There is no remediation.  Except to pay fines and eat the[…]


Cybersecurity Insurance – Is it Lucrative?

Business Owner:  “What you think about cybersecurity insurance?” Me:  “Very lucrative business today.” Business Owner:  “No, I mean, do you think I need some?” Me:  “Oh!  What you’re really asking is, will it save your bacon if you get hacked.” Business Owner:  “er…um…Yeah! Me:  “Maybe.  The cost/value of cybersecurity and cybersecurity insurance both depend on[…]

cyber security stacks-of-money

Cybersecurity – The Real Cost

The burden of proof always falls upon the CIO, CISO, InfoSec Specialists, and IT Service Providers in justifying the costs for cybersecurity. Or maybe they delegate the cost justification further down the ladder to you. In any case, that cost calculation needs to be done with both current operational data, and current valuation of breach[…]

blacklisting castle-water-bridge

Critical Line of Defense

  Critical Line of Defense Understanding your layers of defense to protect against malware and breaches is mission critical for the entire organization today. Each layer has a function and purpose, and is meant to stop malware before it strikes. (To simplfy this discussion let’s leave out detection and remediation since that is really after a breach occurs,[…]